Friday, October 28, 2011

A Rainy Day Post from Helen -Day 33

I purposely shrunk this picture because my smile is just way to cheesy and what was I thinking! My co-worker stated her immediate thought when she saw this outfit was "water". I was thinking whimsical but now in retrospect a Glamour Don't! Perhaps I was influenced by one of my favorite Disney princesses, Ariel, The Little Mermaid. In any case, enjoy this outfit you will never see it worn again--I promise!


  1. I feel so bereft on these no-power days without knowing what Helen might possibly be wearing. I expect that when we get back on Thursday (?!) she'll come in with extra flair!

  2. I, too, am eagerly awaiting the snow wear. It is hard to be in sunny France and read of these NJ snowstorms, so I expect Helen's attire to reveal the severity of the situation and the stoicism with which you all approached it. Missed you Helen!


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